CALVARY MT.ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U01119KL1901PTC001408. This unique identification number allows you to verify the company's official details and is a requirement for various regulatory purposes. The company can be contacted via email at NA, or you can visit their registered office at TRIVANDRUM Palakkad KL IN 000000 for further inquiries.
CALVARY MT.ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED was incorporated on 1/1/1901, a significant milestone in the company’s history. It is classified as a Private company, categorized as a Non-govt company company, and is currently registered under the ROC-Ernakulam in the state of Kerala. This classification places it among the more established companies in its sector.
The company has an authorized capital of 10000.00, which is the maximum amount the company can raise through the issuance of shares. The paid-up capital is 0.00, representing the amount shareholders have actually paid to the company for its shares. This capital structure plays a crucial role in the company's ability to invest, expand, and finance various projects.
CALVARY MT.ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED is currently classified as Dissolved, which provides insight into the company's current operational state. This status indicates the company's ability to continue its business and its standing in the market. The company has maintained a strong track record of compliance with regulatory norms, ensuring its continued success in the competitive marketplace.
The company’s long-term vision focuses on contributing positively to the industry and maintaining a solid financial standing. The company is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, ensuring transparency, and being accountable to its stakeholders.
As part of its ongoing operations, CALVARY MT.ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED continues to engage in various initiatives aimed at improving its services, expanding its customer base, and driving innovation in its field. With its strategic goals in place, the company is well-positioned for future growth.