The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of PASHOK TEA CO LTD is U15421WB1900PLC000448, which signifies the company's unique identity in the corporate world. The CIN is necessary for all corporate and legal transactions and is used to track the company’s operations. For any queries or further information, you can reach PASHOK TEA CO LTD at NA or visit their registered office at 10, POLLOCK STREET, CALCUTTA WB IN 700001.
Founded on 9/5/1900, PASHOK TEA CO LTD has established itself as a leading player in its industry. The company is a Public entity classified under the Non-govt company category, with official registration through RoC-Kolkata in West Bengal. This classification ensures that the company adheres to the legal and regulatory frameworks in place, allowing it to operate efficiently and ethically.
The company’s financial health is reflected in its authorized capital of 560000.00 and paid-up capital of 330000.00. The authorized capital defines the total value of the company’s shares, while the paid-up capital reflects the amount invested by shareholders.
As of the latest update, PASHOK TEA CO LTD is listed as Strike Off. This status provides a snapshot of the company’s operational state, from financial viability to legal standing. It is crucial for stakeholders, investors, and partners to monitor the company’s status to ensure continued confidence in its operations.
As PASHOK TEA CO LTD continues to grow, it remains committed to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. The company strives to maintain its reputation as a trusted industry leader, delivering high-quality products and services that meet the ever-changing needs of the market.
The future of PASHOK TEA CO LTD looks promising, with plans to expand its offerings, increase market share, and continue its commitment to sustainable practices. The company’s strategic direction will focus on long-term growth, maintaining a positive relationship with stakeholders, and ensuring the delivery of exceptional value to customers and partners alike.