SUMEGHA CHITS PVT. LTD. is a prominent name in its sector, recognized by its Corporate Identification Number (CIN), U99999DL1901PTC919191. The CIN is an essential identifier for the company, ensuring transparency and accountability in all its business activities. For any queries, you can contact the company at NA or visit their registered office at DL IN.
The company was incorporated on 1/1/1901, which marks the beginning of its journey. It operates under the classification of Private, and its business is categorized as a Non-govt company company. Registered with the RoC-Delhi in Delhi, SUMEGHA CHITS PVT. LTD. is subject to the regulations and guidelines set forth by the authorities, ensuring its continued adherence to industry standards.
SUMEGHA CHITS PVT. LTD. has an authorized capital of 100000.00, indicating its potential to raise funds and expand its business. The paid-up capital stands at 0.00, showing the financial commitment made by shareholders to support the company’s operations and growth.
The company's current status is Strike Off, which reflects its operational health and its ongoing activities. Whether the company is in good standing, under any regulatory scrutiny, or facing any challenges, the status provides stakeholders with a clear view of the company's position.
Looking to the future, SUMEGHA CHITS PVT. LTD. aims to increase its footprint in the industry, diversify its offerings, and continue contributing to the economy. The company is focused on strategic planning and risk management to ensure that it can continue its upward trajectory despite market fluctuations and changing economic conditions.
As it moves forward, SUMEGHA CHITS PVT. LTD. remains committed to its mission of excellence, with a vision to create long-term value for its shareholders, employees, and customers.